Monday, March 16, 2015

I want to stay positive n happiness...T^T


Don't forget to be awesome.

Work for a cause,not for applause.
Live life to express not to impress.
Don't strive to make your presence.
Noticed just make ur absence felt.

Don't think about what might go wrong,
thibking about what could go right.

I'm just a human, I have weakness, 
I make mistakes & I experiences sadness, 
but I learn from all these thing to make me a better person.

Be who you are, and say what you feel
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind.

Appreciated everything that you have.
You can't start the next chapter of your life
if you keep re-reading the last one.
When its rains,it pours....z
but soon, the sun shine again.
Happiness can be found, 
even in the darkest of times,
if one only remembers to turn on the light.

When sonething bad happens,
you hv 3 chooise,
you can either let it define you, 
let it destroyed you
or you can let it strengthen you.
I choose to be strengthen...
Life is your mirror,
what you see as your outside,
always comes from your inside.

I choose to be unstoppable.
I am bigger than my concerns and worries.
the strengthen of others inspire my daily.
I focus on my goal,
I trust my instuition 
and live a courageous life.
Today you are YOU.
that is TRUER than true.
There is NO ONE alive who is YOUER than YOU!

By being urself, 
you put something beautiful into the world
that was not there before.
Change your thought and you change your world.
Don't start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday.
Every morning we wake up
is the day of the rest of our life.

You can't stop the waves,
but you can learn to surf.

I was reminded that my blood type is
B+ (Be positive) (^_^)